IT Professional’s Job Interview Checklist for 2024

Job seekers might have trouble seeing it, but today’s in favor of employees. The IT professional, in particular, is highly in demand. After all, nearly all industries will need the services of an IT professional at some point.

However, there’s a big difference between simply getting a job and getting a job that you want. Outside of technical expertise, modern IT professionals will need to equip themselves with the additional skills necessary to adapt to the ever-changing requirements of daily work.

Landing the best-paying, most desirable jobs means taking the extra effort to make it to the interviewer’s chair. More importantly, it means hurdling the all-important interview session.



Job interviews don’t always focus on your technical skills. Recruiters will also want to know if you can handle office communication, work with the rest of the team, and even manage a crisis. These subjects may sometimes lie beyond your comfort zone, but they’re part of the requirements.

The following tips can help you nail the interview process.

As an IT professional, you wouldn’t write a program or open a piece of hardware without knowing what to do, right? The same logic should apply to job interviews. Never come to an interview unprepared.

Job recruiters will want to know how updated you are on industry developments and trends. So, make sure you know what’s happening in your industry. Subscribe to industry publications, newsletters, or podcasts. In addition, follow thought leaders and industry monitors on social media. They’ll regularly post important news, and this will show that you care about the industry, not just the job.

Today’s initial interview process usually takes place via videoconference. This means your communication skills include more than just what you say.

First, take care of the setting. Avoid areas with a distracting background or ambient noise. If you don’t have an office at home, secure a comfy spot with nice lighting. If the house is too cluttered, turn on the blurry background or use a built-in professional background. Also, make sure your household members know about the meeting so they don’t interrupt.

When talking with the recruiter, treat it like an in-person interview. Don’t fidget, make “eye contact” through your computer’s camera, and pay attention. You probably know how to answer the usual interview questions, so it’s a matter of listening carefully, thinking quickly, and answering clearly.

When recruiters start asking about your technical proficiency, it’s your time to shine. Whether you’re being asked about your stack portfolio, IT certifications, or professional training, always give a complete, honest, and thoughtful answer.

Sometimes, the job’s technical requirements may find your skills lacking, but a willingness to adapt or learn new skills can offset any shortcomings. In addition, give off an aura of confidence to erase any earlier doubts about your abilities.

Most initial interviews will occur online, so be sure your equipment works properly.

And when asked about difficulties you’ve encountered while working, try to frame your reply as a learning experience.

During a video call, you may encounter technical difficulties. Connections can drop suddenly or audio and video won’t work. Prevention is always a good first step.

Before connecting to your interview, check on your setup. Test both audio and video as well as your internet connection. Charge both your laptop and smartphone so you can reconnect via another device if there’s a sudden power interruption. Also, have a backup plan in case your internet connection slows or fails.

This is critical: take the time to learn about the company you’re considering joining. Look beyond the job description and get to know what the company does. This can help you decide whether you’re a good match for the business—and whether they’re a good match for you.

For this, a quick trip to the corporate website can help. Check company reviews and scores on recruiter sites to get a better idea of what you’d be dealing with as their IT professional. Doing so should help you come up with questions for the recruiter about the company, which can keep the conversation moving.

During interviews, it’s always advisable to stay true to yourself. This can help you make a strong .

What’s more, approach interviews in a very open-minded manner. A company will evaluate your worth and see if they can turn you into an asset for them. But you should be doing the same evaluations to see if working there fills your needs. The best way to determine whether you might fit there is to be yourself. 

Your interest in the position can also wax and wane during the interview process. If at any point you find yourself unsure of your role or fit in the organization, don’t force it.

Professional IT work can be demanding, so make sure the company you’re interviewing with is a good fit for your work style and values.


The recruiter knows your qualifications. The interview is simply a matter of verifying your claims in the application process and checking to see if you’re a good fit. But again, as they evaluate your abilities, you should also evaluate what they’re offering. 

For example, if the job doesn’t entail a leadership position and you prefer one, do the recruiter a favor and say so immediately. Prolonging an interview session only to refuse the job later won’t be looked upon kindly in the future. 

When asking for compensation and benefits, listen carefully and weigh them against your needs. Are you willing to sacrifice less in exchange for more money? Would you be okay with relocating to another office instead of continuing to work remotely?

A fulfilling career as an IT professional means always getting the most out of your work. Whether you’re looking for compensation, experience, learning, or friendships, finding the right fit is the first logical step.

At Growin, we aim to unlock each of our employee’s full potential. Without them, we can’t be the highly skilled software development team that our clients know and love.

Businesses looking for more efficient ways to run their IT operations can count on us to provide the help they need. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your company.

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